Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Video Reflection 6: Designing Dream Machines - Richard Seymour & Dick Powell

This video gives us an almost candid view of how this particular design firm & its team operate. From the initial brainstorming, to prototype design and all the way through to product presentation & demonstration. This video differs from the others in that rather than imparting onto us a philosophy or style, it instead demonstrates a practical exploration of what its like to work as a designer.

Many aspects of this video reflect what we are being taught and how we are being raised to operate as designers in our studio classes. I find this quite relieving, to be honest. If this is what the work place will be like once I graduate then I should, hopefully, be comfortable in this environment. These professionals experience the same things we are already experiencing in our studio classes. The same trials, frustrations & epiphanies we gain working with classmates and our tutors. From frustrated meetings with clients to last minute deadline rushes, it is almost comforting and yet almost disconcerting that this is what this career path will lead to, and the fact that this pattern may not change even while working in a design firm.

I see the same sense of accomplishment in them, that I feel when I finally submit an assignment. The only difference is they get paid for it.

Image sourced from:

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